MGCC offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to fit your skills and interests.
- Leadership and Administration describe roles on the Advisory Council and several committees that focus on the operations of MGCC. This category also includes any project or administrative support volunteers provide to the ANR Educator or the MGCC Volunteer Coordinator.
- Fundraising and Special Events are teams that work on public events including Plants in the Park and the Fall Seminar or Master Gardener Volunteer events, including Social Committee events, the Annual Meeting, and the MG Intern graduation ceremony.
- Teaching and Mentoring describes opportunities to do public presentations, consult one-on-one with home gardeners, or work with children and adults in a variety of settings.
- Hotline and Hotline on the Road describes the opportunities to answer phoned-in questions or staff booths at farmers markets and other public events to answer gardening questions from the public.
- Garden Maintenance teams maintain demonstration gardens at Ben Franklin and Fairhill.